Saturday, November 1, 2008

Telenor USB EDGE Stick

Telenor USB EDGE Stick – Convenience in your Hands
With the Telenor USB EDGE stick; you have convenience of use in your hands, be it laptop or your desktop you will always be connected to internet trough Pakistan’s largest EDGE based GPRS network. Telenor’s EDGE network enables you to utilize the internet at speeds four times faster then normal GPRS.
Now you can enjoy and surf the web at home or enhance your productivity outdoors by connecting from anywhere with Telenor’s largest EDGE based GPRS network and phenomenal network coverage across Pakistan. The Telenor USB EDGE stick includes:
Telenor USB EDGE Stick (User Guide, USB EDGE Card)
Telenor Persona Postpaid Telenor Data SIM (on Data Package 4)

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